Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Return: Midnight Chapter 13

Elena, sleeping serenely with one hand locked onto Stefan's, knew she was having an extraordinary dream. No, not a dream – an out-of-body experience. But it wasn't like her previous out-of-body visits to Stefan in his cel . She was skimming through the air so quickly that she couldn't real y make out what was below her. She looked around and suddenly, to her astonishment, another figure appeared beside her. â€Å"Bonnie!†she said – or rather tried to say. But of course there was no sound. Bonnie looked like a transparent edition of herself. As if someone had created her out of blown glass, and then put in just the faintest tint of color in her hair and eyes. Elena tried telepathy. Bonnie? Elena! Oh, I miss you and Meredith so much! I'm stuck here in a hole – A hole? Elena could hear the panic in her own telepathy. It made Bonnie wince. Not a real hole. A dive. An inn, I guess, but I'm locked in and they only feed me twice a day and take me to the toilet once – My God! How did you get there? Well†¦ Bonnie hesitated. I guess it was my own fault. It doesn't matter! How long have you been there, exactly? Um, this is my second day. I think. There was a pause. Then Elena said, Well, a couple of days in a bad place can seem like forever. Bonnie tried to make her case clearer. It's just that I'm so bored and lonely. I miss you and Meredith so much! she repeated. I was thinking of you and Meredith, too, Elena said. But Meredith's there with you, isn't she? Oh my God, she didn't fall, too? Bonnie blurted. No, no! She didn't fall. Elena couldn't decide whether to tel Bonnie about Meredith or not. Maybe not just yet, she thought. She couldn't see what she was rushing toward, although she could feel that they were slowing down. Can you see anything? Hey, yeah, below us! There's a car! Should we go down? Of course. Can we hold hands? They found that they couldn't, but that just trying to kept them closer together. In another moment they were sinking through the roof of a smal car. Hey! It's Alaric! Bonnie said. Alaric Saltzman was Meredith's engaged-to-be-engaged boyfriend. He was about twenty-three now, and his sandy-blond hair and hazel eyes hadn't changed since Elena had seen him almost ten months ago. He was a parapsychologist at Duke, going for his doctorate. We've been trying to get hold of him for ages, Bonnie said. I know. Maybe this is the way we're supposed to contact him. W here is he supposed to be again? Some weird place in Japan. I forget what it's called, but look at the map on the passenger seat. She and Bonnie intermingled as they did, their ghostly forms passing right through each other. Unmei no Shima: The Island of Doom, was written at the top of an outline of an island. The map beside him had a large red X on it with the caption: The Field of Punished Virgins. The what? Bonnie asked indignantly. What's that mean? I don't know. But look, this fog is real fog. And it's raining. And this road is terrible. Bonnie dove outside. Ooh, so weird. The rain's going right through me. And I don't think this is a road. Elena said, Come back in and look at this. There aren't any other cities on the island, just a name. Dr. Celia Connor, forensic pathologist. What's a forensic pathologist? I think, Elena said, that they investigate murders and things. And they dig up dead people to find out why they died. Bonnie shuddered. I don't think I like this very much. Neither do I. But look outside. This was a village once, I think. There was almost nothing left of the vil age. Just a few ruins of wooden buildings that were obviously rotting, and some tumbledown, blackened stone structures. There was one large building with an enormous bright yel ow tarp over it. When the car reached this building, Alaric skidded to a stop, grabbed the map and a smal suitcase, and dashed through the rain and mud to get under cover. Elena and Bonnie fol owed. He was met near the entrance by a very young black woman, whose hair was cut short and sleek around her elfin face. She was smal , not even Elena's height. She had eyes dancing with excitement and white, even teeth that made for a Hol ywood smile. â€Å"Dr. Connor?†Alaric said, looking awed. Meredith isn't going to like this, Bonnie said. â€Å"Just Celia, please,†the woman said, taking his hand. â€Å"Alaric Saltzman, I presume.† â€Å"Just Alaric, please – Celia.† Meredith real y isn't going to like this, Elena said. â€Å"So you're the spook investigator,†Celia was saying below them. â€Å"Well, we need you. This place has spooks – or did once. I don't know if they're stil here or not.† â€Å"Sounds interesting.† â€Å"More like sad and morbid. Sad and weird and morbid. I've excavated al sorts of ruins, especial y those where there's a chance of genocide. And I'l tel you: This island is unlike any place I have ever seen,†Celia said. Alaric was already pul ing things from his case, a thick stack of papers, a smal camcorder, a notebook. He turned on the camcorder, and looked through the viewfinder, then propped it up with some of the papers. When he apparently had Celia in focus, he grabbed the notebook too. Celia looked amused. â€Å"How many ways do you need to take down information?† Alaric tapped the side of his head and shook it sadly. â€Å"As many as possible. Neurons are beginning to go.†He looked around. â€Å"You're not the only one here, are you?† â€Å"Except for the janitor and the guy who ferries me back to Hokkaido, yes. It started out as a normal expedition – there were fourteen of us. But one by one, the others have died or left. I can't even re-bury the specimens – the girls – we've excavated.† â€Å"And the people who left or died from your expedition – â€Å" â€Å"Well, at first people died. Then that and the other spooky stuff made the rest leave. They were frightened for their lives.† Alaric frowned. â€Å"Who died first?† â€Å"Out of our expedition? Ronald Argyl . Pottery specialist. He was examining two jars that were found – Well, I'l skip that story until later. He fel off a ladder and broke his neck.† Alaric's eyebrows went up. â€Å"That was spooky?† â€Å"From a guy like him, who's been in the business for almost twenty years – yes.† â€Å"Twenty years? Maybe a heart attack? And then off the ladder – boom.†Alaric made a downward gesture. â€Å"Maybe that's the way it was. You may be able to explain al our little mysteries for us.†The chic woman with the short hair dimpled like a tomboy. She was dressed like one too, Elena realized: Levi's and a blue and white shirt with the sleeves rol ed up over a white camisole. Alaric gave a little start, as if he'd realized he was guilty of staring. Bonnie and Elena looked at each other over his head. â€Å"But what happened to al the people who lived on the island in the first place? The ones who built the houses?† â€Å"Well, there never were that many of them in the first place. I'm guessing the place may even have been named the Island of Doom before this disaster my team was investigating. But as far as I could find out it was a sort of war – a civil war. Between the children and the adults.† This time when Bonnie and Elena looked at each other, their eyes were both wide. Just like home – Bonnie began, but Elena said, Sh. Listen. â€Å"A civil war between kids and their parents?†Alaric repeated slowly. â€Å"Now that is spooky.† â€Å"Well, it's a process of elimination. You see, I like graves, constructed or just holes in the ground. And here, the inhabitants don't appear to have been invaded. They didn't die of famine or drought – there was stil plenty of grain in the granary. There were no signs of il ness. I've come to believe that they all killed one another – parents kil ing children; children kil ing parents.† â€Å"But how can you tel ?† â€Å"You see this square-ish area on the periphery of the vil age?†Celia pointed to an area on a larger map than Alaric's. â€Å"That's what we cal The Field of Punished Virgins. It's the only place that has careful y constructed actual graves, so it was made early in what became a war. Later, there was no time for coffins – or no one who cared. So far we've excavated twenty-two female children – the eldest in her late teens.† â€Å"Twenty-two girls? Al girls?† â€Å"Al girls in this area. Boys came later, when coffins were no longer being made. They're not as well preserved, because the houses al burned or fel in, and they were exposed to weathering. The girls were careful y, sometimes elaborately, buried; but the markings on their bodies indicate that they were subjected to harsh physical punishment at some time close to their deaths. And then – they had stakes driven through their hearts.† Bonnie's fingers flew to her eyes, as if to ward off a terrible vision. Elena watched Alaric and Celia grimly. Alaric gulped. â€Å"They were staked?†he asked uneasily. â€Å"Yes. Now I know what you'l be thinking. But Japan doesn't have any tradition of vampires. Kitsune – foxes – are probably the closest analog.† Now Elena and Bonnie were hovering right over the map. â€Å"And do kitsunes drink blood?† â€Å"Just kitsune. The Japanese language has an interesting way of expressing plurals. But to answer your question: no. They are legendary tricksters, and one example of what they do is possess girls and women, and lead men to destruction – into bogs, and so on. But here – Well, you can almost read it like a book.† â€Å"You make it sound like one. But not one I'd pick up for pleasure,†Alaric said, and they both smiled bleakly. â€Å"So, to go on with the book, it seems that this disease spread eventual y to al the children in the town. There were deadly fights. The parents somehow couldn't even get to the fishing boats in which they might have escaped the island.† Elena – I know. At least Fell's Church isn't on an island. â€Å"And then there's what we found at the town shrine. I can show you that – it's what Ronald Argyl died for.† They both got up and went farther into the building until Celia stopped beside two large urns on pedestals with a hideous thing in between them. It looked like a dress, weathered until it was almost pure white, but sticking through holes in the clothing were bones. Most horribly, one bleached and fleshless bone hung down from the top of one of the urns. â€Å"This is what Ronald was working on in the field before al this rain came,†Celia explained. â€Å"It was probably the last death of the original inhabitants and it was suicide.† â€Å"How can you possibly know that?† â€Å"Let's see if I can get this right from Ronald's notes. The priestess here doesn't have any other damage than that which caused her death. The shrine was a stone building – once. When we got here we found only a floor, with al the stone steps tumbled apart every which way. Hence Ronald's use of the ladder. It gets quite technical, but Ronald Argyl was a great forensic pathologist and I trust his reading of the story.† â€Å"Which is?†Alaric was taking in the jars and the bones with his camcorder. â€Å"Someone – we don't know who – smashed a hole in each of the jars. This is before the chaos started. The town records make note of it as an act of vandalism, a prank done by a child. But long after that the hole was sealed and the jars made almost airtight again, except where the priestess had her hands plunged in the top up to the wrist.† With infinite care, Celia lifted the top off the jar that did not have a bone hanging from it – to reveal another pair of longish bones, slightly less bleached, and with strips of what must have been clothing on it. Tiny finger bones lay inside the jar. â€Å"What Ronald thought was that this poor woman died as she performed a last desperate act. Clever, too, if you see it from their perspective. She cut her wrists – you can see how the tendon is shriveled in the better-preserved arm – and then she let the entire contents of her bloodstream flow into the urns. We do know that the urns show a heavy precipitation of blood on the bottom. She was trying to lure something in – or perhaps something back in. And she died trying, and the clay that she had probably hoped to use in her last conscious moments held her bones to the jars.† â€Å"Whew!†Alaric ran a hand over his forehead, but shivered at the same time. Take pictures! Elena was mental y commanding him, using al her wil power to transmit the order. She could see that Bonnie was doing the same, eyes shut, fists clenched. As if in obedience to their commands, Alaric was taking pictures as fast as he could. Final y, he was done. But Elena knew that without some outside impetus there was no way that he was going to get those pictures to Fel ‘s Church until he himself came to town – and even Meredith didn't know when that would be. So what do we do? Bonnie asked Elena, looking anguished. Well†¦my tears were real when Stefan was in prison. You want us to cry on him? No, Elena said, not quite patiently. But we look like ghosts – let's act like them. Try blowing on the back of his neck. Bonnie did, and they both watched Alaric shiver, look around him, draw his windbreaker closer. â€Å"And what about the other deaths in your own expedition?†he asked, huddling, looking around apparently aimlessly. Celia began speaking but neither Elena nor Bonnie was listening. Bonnie kept blowing on Alaric from different directions, herding him to the single window in the building that wasn't shattered. There Elena had written with her finger on the darkened cold glass. Once she knew that Alaric was looking that way she blew her breath across the sentence: send all pix of jars 2 meredith now! Every time Alaric approached the window she breathed on it to refresh the words. And at last he saw it. He jumped backward nearly two feet. Then he slowly crept back to the window. Elena refreshed the writing for him. This time, instead of jumping, he simply ran a hand over his eyes and then slowly peeked out again. â€Å"Hey, Mr. Spook-chaser,†said Celia. â€Å"Are you al right?† â€Å"I don't know,†Alaric admitted. He passed his hand over his eyes again, but Celia was coming and Elena didn't breathe on the window. â€Å"I thought I saw a – a message to send copies of the pictures of these jars to Meredith.† Celia raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Who is Meredith?† â€Å"Oh. She – she's one of my former students. I suppose this would interest her.†He looked down at the camcorder. â€Å"Bones and urns?† â€Å"Well, you were interested in them quite young, if your reputation is correct.† â€Å"Oh, yes. I loved to watch a dead bird decay, or find bones and try to figure out what animal they were from,†Celia said, dimpling again. â€Å"From the age of six. But I wasn't like most girls.† â€Å"Well – neither is Meredith,†Alaric said. Elena and Bonnie were eyeing each other seriously now. Alaric had implied that Meredith was special, but he hadn't said it, and he hadn't mentioned their engagement to be engaged. Celia came closer. â€Å"Are you going to send her the pictures?† Alaric laughed. â€Å"Well, al this atmosphere and everything – I don't know. It might just have been my imagination.† Celia turned away just as she reached him and Elena blew once more across the message. Alaric threw his hands up in a gesture of surrender. â€Å"I don't suppose the Island of Doom has satel ite coverage,†he said helplessly. â€Å"Nope,†Celia said. â€Å"But the ferry wil be back in a day, and you can send pictures then – if you're real y going to do it.† â€Å"I think I'd better do it,†Alaric said. Elena and Bonnie were both glaring at him, one from each side. But that was when Elena's eyelids started to droop. Oh, Bonnie, I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to you after this, and make sure you're okay. But I'm falling†¦I can't†¦ She managed to pry her lids open. Bonnie was in a fetal position, fast asleep. Be careful, Elena whispered, not even sure who she was whispering it to. And as she floated away, she was aware of Celia and the way Alaric was talking to this beautiful, accomplished woman only a year or so older than he was. She felt a distinct fear for Meredith, on top of everything else.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

House Cleaning

Keeping a house clean is a problem quite a few single working parents have, between taking care of children and working a full time job, house work seems to get the short end of the stick. Activities can be hectic upon the return from work and school for the parent and children. During preparation of dinner and completion of homework, vacuuming the carpet doesn’t seem that important. Too often homes fall into disorder, due to tiredness or busyness with other things. When all is said and done â€Å"Cleanliness is next to Godliness† and should never be ignored.House work can be made simple by cleaning as you go. Getting into the habit of putting things where they belong, instead of leaving them where they were used is a one way to stave off a mess. Allowing little messes to grow into large ones creates an environment no one wants to deal with. Take advantage of down time. While watching television, get some clothes folded and put away, dust tables and clean glass. While h elping with homework, start washing the dishes and sweeping the kitchen floor, mop if you have time. Thirty-minute clean-up should be established for every person able.Use appropriate motivators to energize cleaning sessions. Play upbeat music or listen to a digital book for an energy boost. Cleaning as a team with family members can help to stay on task and ease the boredom of cleaning. This concept is to do a quick clean, in addition to chores done throughout the day, leaving the house looking and smelling better. Simple concepts can be applied to keeping the house clean. Washing dishes when you are done with them only takes about ten minutes. Everyone should pitch in to put away leftovers, wash dishes, clean counters and stove.When something hits the floor, get it up immediately. Put clothes away after wearing, if they are clean, put them away. Create a place for keys, shoes, backpacks, and umbrellas; be sure to always put things where they belong. Before going to bed give the ho me a second look. Anything that can be tidied quickly, get it done. More tips on house cleaning would include reducing and recycling. Reducing the amount of waste accumulated in a household can be accomplished by purchasing cloth towels, cooking appropriate amounts of food, and tossing mailings immediately.Donating books magazines, clothing and shoes, and toys to Goodwill or other second hand stores will reduce clutter. Getting organized, an organized home is a quick and easy home to clean. Develop a cleaning schedule. Assign each member a room and task to be done daily. Tools and supplies should be in the room or in a closet or cabinet near-by. The task should have a time frame to be completed. Every two to three months, you should do a deeper clean. This would include cleaning out the refrigerator, the oven, closets and cabinets. Developing the habit of keeping a clean house won’t be easy at first.Don’t expect to be perfect at clean-as-you-go right away. It’s a new habit you may have problems with. Try one thing at a time for a while, then two things. Starting with the kitchen sink staying clean is good beginning. Once the entire kitchen has been added to your routine, adding something like the bathroom sink would be an appropriate addition. While getting into the habit of cleaning-as-you-go the rest of the home still needs attention. Utilize your, everything has a place, rule. Things like shoes, backpacks, mail, umbrellas, and books and magazines should always be in the place selected for them.Children being involved in the cleaning process in always good. Teaching children at an early age the importance of cleanliness is a lifelong lesson. Maintaining a tidy room as well as getting good grades is something to be proud of. Children should never perform tasks that require chemicals. When chemicals are used in the wrong concentration, they can be very harmful. Chores like making the bed, sweeping or vacuuming the floor and putting clothes away will put a dent in daily tasks and give the kids a since of responsibility.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Can Regulation Of Tobacco Affect Health Care Costs Economics Essay

Can Regulation Of Tobacco Affect Health Care Costs Economics Essay The economic calculations associated with tobacco use are very complicated. For every savings, there are increased costs in other areas. Many productivity costs are subjective, while things like tax revenues are very definitive. These costs can be absorbed by various entities; public, private, and governmental. The tobacco industry has been viewed as the root of many of these costs. This industry has historically been exempt from oversight by any governmental agency, other than taxation. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently taken charge of overseeing and regulating many tobacco products, including cigarettes. Can the new regulations have any effect on health care costs? Why is tobacco use such a big deal? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world, responsible for one in ten adults and the fourth most common risk factor for disease worldwide (2010). Costs (both public and private) associated with health ca re related to tobacco are astronomical. Productivity is reduced or lost when people are at their prime due to tobacco use. â€Å"A 1994 report estimated that the use of tobacco resulted in an annual global net loss of US$ 200 thousand million, a third of this loss being in developing countries† (World Health, 2010). This paper will look at the costs associated with tobacco use in the United States and the relationship regulation may have on reducing these costs. Compared to the length of time tobacco has been used, the health effects of its use are just recently becoming understood by the general public. Prior to this knowledge, the tobacco companies were free to advertise without any regulation. 1789 saw the first tobacco advertisement in the U.S for snuff. Communication, transportation, and manufacturing constraints of the time prevented any major branding and marketing successes. â€Å"The first strong national tobacco brand didn’t emerge until near the end of the Civil War, when both Union and Confederate soldiers in Durham, North Carolina raided a local farmer’s tobacco crop while waiting for a surrender to be completed. After the war was over, these soldiers began writing to the farmer, Mr. John Green, requesting more; Green went on to establish the successful Bull Durham Tobacco Company.† (Collins & Lapsley, 2010) The cigarette machine was one of the two major innovations that changed the industry and embedded tobacco into the minds of Americans. It was introduced in the 1880s and allowed companies to go from producing 40,000 hand-rolled cigarettes a day to over 4 million. The other major innovation came in the form of advertising. The color lithograph revolutionized advertising and packaging. These factors allowed companies to brand their products, searing them into the fabric of everyday life. Promotions, such as trading cards, were packaged with cigarettes and became collector’s items. World War II came and went wit h millions of soldiers and sailors addicted to nicotine courtesy of free cigarettes issued along with meals. Marketing remained pretty much unregulated throughout the 1950s. Advertisements promoted how healthy it was to smoke and how doctors (whom the public trusted) recommend one brand over another. Sponsorship of television shows, like The Flintstones and Gunsmoke, propelled cigarette smoking into a normal and expected part of life. â€Å"For tobacco companies, it was the Golden Age: cigarette ads featured endorsements from dentists, doctors, babies and even Yankees slugger Mickey Mantle† (Collins & Lapsley, 2010).

The Impact Of Tourism In The Construction Industry Essay

The Impact Of Tourism In The Construction Industry - Essay Example This type of development is now under the scanner and faces various pressures and challenges like environmental regulations, land-use planning and protocols, local socio-economic forces and other requirements. Under this situation, it makes a good case to assess and investigate the impacts and implications of modern-day tourism on the construction sector. A careful look at any tourist destination reveals the cyclical link between tourism and the construction industry, both capacitating and facilitating each other. Identifying this link, Riera (1999) and Apostolopoulos (2001) expressed that mass tourism and accommodation construction are inter-woven, accommodations and hotels need tourist to survive and do business and tourism too needs good accommodation facility for attracting tourists (Riera A., 1999; Apostolopoulos, 2001). Thus, the current trend is in favor of exotic destinations and vacation or second home, a home away from the home which is also an investment home for some. The growth of tourism is always welcome as it has the potential of offering multiple benefits (WWF, 2001; UNEP/CI, 2003; WITC, 2005)-economic opportunities, socio-cultural exchanges & integration, international relationship building and many other associated advantages. For any tourist destination or spot, the growth of tourism implies additional influx of tourists which in turn calls for construction of additional accommodations/vacation homes and tourism infrastructures. Under this situation, tourism growth means more tourists, more demands for accommodations and infrastructures and consequently more construction activities. Looking it the other way, good infrastructures and accommodations can also add to the real value of a destination and attract people facilitating tourism in the process. Thus, there seems to be a straight forward interrelation between tourism and the construction industry (Apostolopoulos, 2001). However, this interrelation or interdependence is not as simple as it sounds. Tourism is intrinsically an activity constrained by time and space and construction too is heavily dependent on space or geographical area and land-use configuration (Hall, 2005). Space has limitations and thus, tourism and the construction industry cannot keep on growing or developing indiscriminately and ceaselessly or else, the realities of space constraints and the possible negative environmental consequences are sure to push this industry into the extinction. Construction related to tourism development (hotels, airports, roads, and vacation homes) causes the greatest negative impact to the ecosystem and more so when the destination is rich in biodiversity like the Mediterranean region. Loss of biodiversity and picturesque landscapes already affects a number of tourist destinations throughout the Mediterranean and often, these losses or negative impacts are far greater than the positive outcomes or the associated values of tourism (Paris Chris, 2006). Therefore, balancing the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Jury system of United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Jury system of United States - Essay Example As in the book "On the Grand Jury", the indication taken from "United States v. Calandra in 1974" that Supreme Court says about the jury system that its purpose is not only to investigate possible criminal conduct but also to act as a "protector of citizen against arbitrary and oppressive government action" and to perform this action jury "deliberates in secret and may determine alone the course of its inquiry". Though this is very much true that without thorough investigation the jury server are not intent to ensnare the crime with deserving prosecution or claiming them for their deeds or warranting the prosecutors for being innocent. Jurors are authorize to dismiss any person in the government incase if not serving the country sincerely. It's their duty to listen the person who is accused by the prosecutors and the person selected to be the government employee or brought in the country is secure from any inducement. Jurors are the first protectors of citizens and for the people who are accused by the law unconstitutionally. In an article by James W. Gilchrist, Jr. quoted the idea of juries in Virginia Colony is, "When the case was given to the jury, it was locked up without food or water until it reached a verdict. A juryman could not leave his fellows until a verdict was reached, which, as one writer noted, made prolonged disagreement practically unknown." Ans. Mangna Carta is a si... When the several jurisdictions to pass local Imperial Acts legislation came to consider which statutes to include as part of the received Imperial statute law of the jurisdiction, they all included Magna Carta. As several of these statutes are relatively recent, and all of them the product of 20th century consideration, they represent a judgment by law-makers that the linkage with Magna Carta should be maintained in contemporary law, even if only for sentimental rather than practical reasons. In the cases of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory and New Zealand, many of the problems of identifying the relevant chapters of Magna Carta that apply have been solved by local Imperial Acts legislation. In all cases the legislature has not only indicated which version of Magna Carta applies that enactment is part of the statute law of the jurisdiction. Nevertheless, there are some minor differences between these jurisdictions to be noticed, especially in the case of the Australian Capital Territory, where the relevant text of the 1297 statute includes the preamble. In New Zealand, while schedule1 of the Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 (NZ) only refers to chapter 29 of the statute of 1297, the version reprinted for reference in the Reprinted Statutes of New Zealand includes the preamble to Magna Carta 1297. It follows from such legislation that no other chapters in the version of 1297, and none of the provisions of any of the earlier versions of Magna Carta, are part of the law of the jurisdictions in which Imperial Acts legislation is in force. This has not, however, prevented consideration of the legal origins of ancient offices and show that the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Process and site design techniques Research Paper

Process and site design techniques - Research Paper Example This paper discusses the process and site design techniques. The page design techniques have also been explained. Two websites have been critically analyzed for process, site design and page design.The outcome of this analysis is provided in this paper. The positive and negative aspects of the first and second generation websites have been observed and described.This report seeks to evaluate the design and construction of two websites based on conventional principles used in the designing of websites. This report also highlights the principles that have been used for the evaluation.Ware et al. (2003) states "you need a good eye for design". First generation websites largely focus on displaying static content that users could either view or download. The characteristic trait of second generation websites is communication, information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration. Ware et al. (2003) says Javascript manipulates the client browser.The we bsite has been chosen because it is a second generation website which deals with social networking site for the K-12 community which caters to students, parents and teachers. It deals with interactive user experience, collaboration between people, and web 2.0 principles. It is a rich internet application.The website is a first generation website mainly used to host content that people can view and download. This website has a varied audience and may include people from various communities and cultures. This critique report will analyze the two websites on aspects such as site planning, overall layout and theme. The report will also analyze the design for ease of use of target audience, typography, cross browser compatibility, content relevance, organization and functioning of links on the page and overall usability. Process and site design The important factor while designing a website is the purpose of the website and the audience who will view the website. The font, color combination of the content, structure, navigation and language used must be user friendly. HTML is broadly used to describe the content of web pages in the World Wide Web (Raggett, 1998). The critical analysis of the process and site design techniques of the website is discussed as follows. This is a well planned site and the theme of the site has been architected well as seen in the layout of the navigation menus and the pages. Numerous images slow down the site. Large images are used on the home page, resulting in long page load times and important site content has been pushed to the lower portion of the screen. The navigation has been well designed with on hover menus. Bread crumbs makes navigation to previously visited pages easier. The choice of vibrant colors makes the site attractive for the younger audience. The critical analysis of the process and site design techniques of the website is discussed as follows. This site is a little less well planned than This site offers end users Christian digital media for download. The site is not very user friendly for non technical users as options for download are not intuitive with no ability to sort advanced search for content. The home page has well segmented content and content specific user categories. The weaker areas include lack of search on inner pages, no metadata for the digital media and no clear options for download. The on-hover drop down menus enables easy navigation. Lack of bread crumbs makes navigation to previously visited pages cumbersome. The color theme has been kept simple for the varied audience that might visit this site. Page design The user interface must be designed to help the users follow the web pages. Related content must be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Chapter 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chapter 9 - Essay Example Though in these cases the stages of acculturation might not be so visible, they still exist – a sojourner feels excitement about coming to a new area, then a crisis due to the differences one has to get used to, and, finally, readjustment to normal life in case he or she either stays or returns back (general model of acculturation). Another thing I particularly liked is that the chapter also teaches us on how to behave after we return from another culture. My attention was drawn to this part because, from my experience, when talking about the difficulties of acculturation, the problems a person faces in a foreign culture are discussed, while not so much is usually said about the after-return challenges. At the same time, it seems rather important to know what to do and how to behave upon the return to the changed with time native culture. The chapter also presents a hierarchy of needs developed by Maslow. Though it is not the first time I meet Maslow’s pyramid of needs, what I liked about this text is that it clearly explains how to apply Maslow’s theory to real situations of acculturating – appeal to higher needs, such as usefulness or self-esteem, does not work up until the lower needs, such as security of friendship, are met. The author also describes four models of acculturation: general model, the hero’s journey, the surprise and sense-making model, and the comprehensive model of stress, adaptation and growth. I believe it is very useful to know all the four approaches to acculturation, because the more sides and peculiarities of the problem we are aware of, the easier for us it will be to deal with acculturation when such a need arises. While each separate model may be self-sufficing, all of them together show a wider and deeper picture of what happens to an individual in a new culture, how one should deal with the challenges, and what reactions various problems may

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The importance of body language and gesture in the Couselling exchange Essay

The importance of body language and gesture in the Couselling exchange - Essay Example It is an artistic science and a scientific art. It uses the most sophisticated technical tools to explore the deep depths of an individual’s personality. Guidance and counselling are similar in nature. Both are continuous. The term guidance we use in a much wider sense while counselling often used to specific purposes. Counselling is the centre of all guidance programs. Counselling is more technical in nature and it guides the guidance process. The data obtained in the counselling process is often used in guidance process. Body language on the other hand is the peculiar responses of our body to certain situations. All forms of human communication are not uses verbal languages. Body language often makes use of facial expressions. It is a mean of communication using body movements and gestures instead of verbal language or other communication. Many people send and receive non verbal signals all the time. For example, while playing cricket, a batsman’s thoughts about a difficult bowler will always come out as his gestures and body languages. When the batsman deceived by a particular ball, he often make gestures and the bowler can easily identify the thoughts of the batsman and he can attack him consistently with such balls to get him out. Thus body language or gestures are often the results of the thoughts of the person regarding a particular situation. The counsellor at the time of counselling observes the body language of the counselee along with his responses to the questions. An experienced counsellor can learn more from the body language and gestures of the counselee than his verbal responses. While making conclusion the counsellor will consider all such behaviours of the counselee to assess the problem correctly. â€Å"What people say could often be very different from what theyre thinking or feeling. Its very easy to say something untrue or insincere, so we can never rely on words alone. Fortunately, theres a proven way to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 31

Marketing - Essay Example The museum should set its objectives so that it can move forward and always be referring to the objectives to enhance that it is moving on the right track. The objectives that will be set forth should be SMART, which translates to specific, measurable, realistic, and time bound. The following objectives are formulated using the guidelines of SMART; The strategies that will enhance the realization of the objectives set above include will be considered. Formulation of objectives is very important, which is based on identifying the best opportunities from the situational analysis. One of the key considerations is of setting the museums goals are that it should be consistent with the long term goals of the museum. When mentioning goals and objective, â€Å"they are a bit challenging but this is the charm it carries† (slater and Olson, 2001). The manner in which they are challenging is because they demand a lot of information to be gathered processed and evaluated. The external environment is usually uncontrollable, but using the normal PESTEL (political, economic, society, technology, environment, legal) it is and will be favorable for the marketing plan. The political environment of the company is favorable this is because of the mission statement that will make the government and the local council of Aberdeen to support t he project. The mission statement where it states that they will enhance conservation will be very much supported by the state government. The economy of the United Kingdom is one of the most stable economies of the world. This will help so much in the prices that will be set and help to raise more revenues to the Art gallery and Museum. Social factors are also favorable in the United Kingdom; the society of the country is diverse and very conservative this can be seen from the fact that the country still keeps the monarchy system of government. The fact that there is introduction of technology in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Receiving Higher Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Receiving Higher Education - Essay Example I am a graduate of the College of Education for Home Economics and Arts and I have acquired some experience in handcrafting and fashion design. I volunteered for summer activities for a charity foundation, some of which I actively participated in the planning process. I worked at one of Saudi Arabia’s largest firms where my job description included planning and management. Working with a team to look for means on how to improve employee performances and manage human resources was fascinating and the experience sparked my interest in public relations. Furthermore, the team was indulged in project analysis and plan examinations. I helped plan entry strategies, expansion, and diversification, as well as company businesses. As part of the team, I have carried out preliminary feasibility studies. I studied the details of the organizational structures of one of the largest manufacturers of automatic doors and determined what needed to be restructured for the benefit of the employers and the company. I also studied their system, taking note of the strengths and weaknesses and I also helped redesign it. Since I did not have sufficient training in the aforementioned tasks, I relied on internet sources for the knowledge I needed on planning techniques and management skills. I searched reliable sources like articles, news reports and online books that informed me a lot about planning and management.Building relations with individuals in the community has also been a key focus of mine.

Andy Stern’s A Country That Works Essay Example for Free

Andy Stern’s A Country That Works Essay The president of the largest, Andy Stern, fast-growing and dynamic union in North America named SEIU or Service Employees International Union has just recently launched his new book and even conducted a nationwide tour just to promote it. The SEIU president’s new book which is entitled â€Å"Getting America Back on Track: A Country that Works passes judgment on the union of laborers or workers which are present or established nowadays because they have not adjusted or conformed to the current political landscape. Furthermore, he disapproves on the labor unions failure to bring the workers together and unite them on a common goal. Andy Stern in his books lays out a plan that he believed would refurbish or repair the current tax system. Furthermore, the plans that he proposed aimed the transformation of the health care system and fix the retirement system. His new book also includes certain strategies or arrangements to improve the current existing education. Andy Stern’s book is basically concern with the decline of the United States trade union movement. Andy Stern is aware that economy is changing and that there is a great mass of working class that requires equality. The economy is changing by shifting the power more towards those in the authorities and less to the working class. Furthermore, there is a decline or decrease in the rate of private sector unionization and reached the lowest level even before the year 1900. In addition to this, as economy changes and the power shifts to an inequality, the role of the labor in the economy is also changing. As the occurrence of mass protests, especially those that come from the immigrant workers in the United States, and the worker or labor strikes and protests conducted in France continues to increase, the losses which the companies or corporations incur also increases. As the labor tends to slow down, the process and company’s working time decreases and productivity is affected. Andy Stern’s new book is actually not directly aimed at the workers. Furthermore, it does not also include the advancement of any serious strategy in combating the present or occurring corporate assaults on the jobs of individuals and most especially to the living standards. On the other hand, the book is able to inform or give a certain warning to the administrators in the corporate world and the ruling elite. It warns them that if the unions who have worked hard and served the corporate world, more especially in America for already a long period of time, is allowed to collapse, there would be serious and dangerous social upheavals. Furthermore, it gives a forewarning that these social upheavals, if it goes outside the control of those in power or of the labor bureaucracy, would greatly increase. The labors which are organized should be in an innovative position as to create new leadership and perspectives. In the old days, manifestations from the labor unions are mainly expressed through strikes and workers tend to stop from working. This is not a good habit for it does not only incur losses to the corporations but also to the workers as well. Being laid-off from work could also be a problem in the old ways, especially if a union continues to ask its members to do strikes or constant protests. The new organized labor should innovate or reinvent itself to create more ideas in creating solutions to the root of the problem. There would be no serious struggle against the present social inequality if the organized labor’s old ways continue to be of practice. It is therefore necessary or required that the labor union would create or establish an independent political and socialists movement that is composed mainly, if not solely, of the working class. On a different perspective, it can be noted that it is impossible not to understand and be familiar with the effect no matter the degree or even if it was immense, of the increasing productions made by the transnational corporations. It is also impossible to recognize what globalized productions could do with regards to the old labor organizations. On the other hand, acknowledging this fact and be able to create ways of moving forward through a progressive answer are poles apart. According to Andy Stern, the country or the United States labor bureaucracy could outsource the strikes conducted by the labor unions or workers. He stated that the country could give the workers who are in strike a certain â€Å"pay strike† especially in low wage countries. Furthermore, he believed that this could be an alternative in calling out its own members on strike, would eventually reduce the number of strikes conducted by the labor unions. If the workers or labor unions are ready in conducting strikes in the United States and the companies or corporations would also be ready in paying them to strike, then there would be an increase in the losses incurred. It would be very much costly as to when a pay was not given to those who would go on strikes. But, paying the laborers in India, Indonesia or other places to conduct strikes and protests against the same global employer would incur less loss and is basically not that expensive. These assumptions are however blunt and has a mark of certain arrogance to it. It should be noted that an international working class movement should have its grounds on a plan or an agenda that ensures mutual solidarity in achieving liberation for all. It is not good to use workers from other countries to serve as pawns in achieving a narrow and constricted national interest. The final chapter of Andy Stern’s book includes his proposals for the reordering of the society. From his proposals, it could be analyzed that here is none that goes beyond the milk toast reforms which are pressed forward by the sections in the Democratic Party. In addition to this, it can also be noted that his proposals have no chance of being adopted or accepted because the big businesses or corporations do not want any infringement on its profits. These measures which Andy Stern stated were supported by another proposal that he made. He proposed to the capitalists and even to their political representatives that these are under their best interest. Though on the other hand, it may somehow state a conscious duplicity or self-deception and cynicism vaguely. In some cases, cynicism somehow dominates. Andy Stern has some dulled statements which support these points of view and somehow admit that the labor bureaucracy’s alliance together with the Democratic party is worthless or hollow. The statement is somehow correct, in the point of view of an individual who understands through politics or capitalist politics. But in the point of view of a political struggle in general, that statement is basically incorrect. Andy Stern, in some parts of his book, is able to write or create reactionary conclusions which are basically based from the right or proper observations. He puts forward or suggests addressing the incapability, generally the failure, of the labor unions’ alliance with the Democratic Party. On a different point of view, it can be said that this only puts the labor unions in forming closer ties with the Republicans. Generally, Andy Stern’s book, from one chapter or part to the other, is really thought-provoking as to what methods or proposals should be really followed.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Simple pendulum experiment Essay Example for Free

Simple pendulum experiment Essay A string measured to be over 1 meter, so as when its length was being adjusted there was enough string to pull on from between the wooden blocks, was tied to a bob. The end of the string was then placed between two wooden blocks and adjusted so that the length of the pendulum was 1 meter. The wood blocks were then placed in the clamp and the grip was tightened. The pendulum suspension was made sure to be friction-free so that the wood blocks could provide a point of suspension for the string. The angle at which the pendulum is drawn out to should be small. The smaller the angle, the closer the harmonic motion it will behave because the restoring force is acting tangent to the arc the pendulum moves through instead of being outside of it. The time taken for 20 oscillations with the length of the pendulum being 1 meter was recorded but was also repeated for accuracy. The two times were averaged and the result was divided by 20 so as to find the time for one oscillation which was then squared. The length of the pendulum was decreased by 0. 1 m each time. The pendulum should swing freely without hitting anything. A table was drawn to record the results and from this a graph was plot. Results: Table showing the time taken for 20 oscillations for each length. Time for 20 oscillations l/m t1/s t2/s AverageGradient = g g= gradient   g = 0. 24ms-2   39. 48 = 9. 79 ms-2 Conclusion: Using a simple pendulum, the acceleration due to gravity was concluded to be 9. 79 ms-2.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business ethics

Business ethics Introduction Business ethics is a well-institutionalized academic field, which deals with the moral dimension of business activity. In the context of international business, it means the treating of moral questions of international cultures and countries. International business should be sensitive to the environment and not just selfish for its own profits. Ethically, safety comes first and the profit comes last. The various issues that ethics target are diverse environmental concerns, animal welfare issues, labor practices, fair trade, health concerns, genetic modification, patenting of genes, cloning etc. International business is both more exposed to a variety of ethical conditions as well as in a position to exploit business ethics due to the sheer size an international company has. The end result of an ethical judgment entails its authenticity from being morally correct. But moral correction itself is a relative concept and is based upon the cultural perceptions as well as traditions. The in ternational market and business arena can be ethically segmented into thedie hard, thedont cares, and the various groups in between. Companies all around the world are coming under scrutiny from governments, shareholders, customers, trade unions, human-rights groups, and others to prove that their activities are conducted in ethical ways. Findings 2.1. Ethical dilemmas 2.1.1. Decision making Ethic, which is a managerial dilemmas to organization profits, this conflicts between economic activities and its social performance. The economic performances are measured by the organization benefits, revenue and the social performance are measured by the organizations obligation to people. Besides of attempting maximize businesss profits, all companies and organisations should solve these dilemmas in a case-to-case basis, due to the fact that there is not any general prescription , managers prediposetions are towards certain choices because of their own levels of moral development. The definitions of what isright according to the organization in which they work the informal cultural preferences and sanctions, and the pressures of the immediate situation. Acting without reflecting on these conditions could produce potentially unexpectedly results. But this is not easy because managers are subjectively involved in the situations themselves. In most ethical dilemmas that businesses face to, they may have choices to perform. Furthermore, they should compare each choices to the part of moral stage. These choice should be reflected organizational values and beliefs. Government, through laws and regulation, may help establish the meaning of ethics. However, an effective solution to the dilemma must contain a mechanism in which ethical considerations become a central part of operations. A key component in ensuring ethical performance by modem corporations is the integration of moral reasoning throughout the organization. 2.1.2. Ethical frameworks 2.2. Profitability 2.2.1. Priority for businesss profits The wordssocial responsibility may be famous among some companies but may be unimportant to others. if a company aims to maximize profit in the long run, the company has to recognize some social obligations such as being socially responsible, which may increase their cost. An activist approach should be implemented by protecting the welfare of society, preserving the environment and contributing positively as a socially responsible institution. Furthermore, most businesses in todays world are stressing on the importance of being ethically responsible and maximizing profit is not the main priority. One view of social responsibility suggests that economic responsibilities are of the greatest magnitude in an organization. This view is in relation to the classical or purely economic view. Firstly, economic responsibilities are to manufacture goods and services to be sold at a revenue and being compliant to societal commandment and regulations. As explained, the classical view states the primary priority of maximizing profit for an organization as long as it constitutes to the minimum requirement of the economic and legal responsibilities. The meaning of economic responsibilities is similar as classical view as both stresses on profit making compared to upholding social services and producing social goods for the comfort of the society. Even the founder of Atlanta business community perceives that the economic responsibility was to make a profit (Joyner and Payne, 2002: pp. 9). Although socioeconomic view also stresses on the maximization of profit, but this aim is regarded, as th e second priority and not the first, like classical view. Consequently, it can be seen that the classical or purely economic view suggests that economic responsibilities are of the greatest magnitude in an organization as its main priority is profit maximization, which is the main economic responsibility. A company, which only has profit maximization as primary priority from classical view may as well suffer through legal approaches if they do not constitute to protecting the welfare and environment. 2.2.2. Organizational obligation Companies are supposed to have, an increased awareness of its role in the society, as they have the force in the modern globalize environment and hence they have the obligation to contribute in order to improve the society in which they live too. In addition, managers in highly visible positions in the organization should try to be ethical, because they have the power to play a key role in transmitting and diffusing codes of ethics.Indeed, acting ethically may make the difference between survival and closure of an organization. 2.2.3. Reputation reward In todays competitive environment, any adverse impact on the companys image can lead to a significantly decline in its competitive position. The rewards to organizations and managers supporting ethical cultures include increased efficiency in daily operations. Management of ethical and legal risks is not merely about conforming to rules and regulations, but in that way managers can protect the companys image and their reputation. In facts, company regularly pays attention to its ethics, which is the image that could portray a strong positive to the public. People relize the organizations as valuing people more than profit, as striving to operate with the utmost of integrity and honor. Customer nowadays have paid more attentions to ethical businesses. As customers being more ethical conscious and social responsible, they recognize more value to companies that act in a moral way and reward managers that operate those organizations. The inner benefit of virtue and the prudent to be ethical is an important motive for managers to act that way. 2.3. The possibility to balance ethics and profits The issue of effectively integrating ethics into business decision making is a major area of debate confronting todays corporate leaders. Persistent media reports of unethical behavior by corporations, business executives, and governmental officials highlight the need for effective solutions to the ethics dilemma. The ethics dilemma derives from the perceived conflict between the traditional corporate objective of profit maximization and the overall desire for increased social welfare. Although ethically responsible business practices are generally desired, opinions about what these practices are and how they should be encouraged are diverse. The complexity of the current business environment complicates the development and implementation of resolutions to ethical issues facing industry. after a company tries to maximize profit, could bring the company down in the future. Coelho, McClure and Spry (2003) state,If logging an area enhances short-run profits, managerial income may be increased. However, the downside is the potential litigation that will reduce the firms wealth not to mention the additional moral hazard if the damage that is caused is potentially greater than the wealth of the firm. This shows no matter how much earnings a company may be maximized; its consequences for not being socially and ethically responsible would cause a bigger problem from the company in the future. 2.3.1. Examples of ethical and unethical organizations NIKE Nike is known as one of the leading shoes manufactures in the worlds. It has large number of factories STARBUCKS Starbucks has won a number of ethics awards and has been recognized as a role model of social responsibility. The companys first priority is taking care of the employees in its retail stores who communicate with and serve customers. Starbucks managers believe that by taking care of these employees, the company can provide long-term value to shareholders 2.3.2. Possibility to intergrate ethics to doing business In this world, people all understand not all things is right according by law, is ethical too. In doing business, leaders should focus on the organizations responsibilities rather than the rights. To begin with, organizations must consider and accept broader criteria for measuring the its performance and social role than those required by law and the market place. Many times companies may not need to apply the law or the moral code of the organization, because either those are insufficient to solve the specific problem or by implementing the law may lead to actions that are not ethical enough. Doing business must take define stands on issues of public concern and advocate ethical norms for the organization, the industry, and business in general. Ethical issue is the effective way to create and maintain a productive and ethical culture within the organization. An ethical management climate contributes to profits by reducing the cost of business transactions, establishing trust for doing business. Business ethics are considered in many businesses as a source of increased profits and competitive advantage. Moreover, ethical businesses help the bottom line by improving competitive advantage through improved performance and fewer negative events that damage corporate reputation. An ethical climate builds a strong competitive position that has been shown to positively affect business performance and innovativeness. Customers are likely to switch to brands associated with companies that have a good ethics reputation, if price and quality were equal. On the other hand, unethical behavior could trigger disloyalty and a switch to a competitors brand.As consumers are responding to ethically concerned businesses, being ethical can be ex tremely profitable. a business with high moral and ethical responsibilities will obliquely attract the attention of consumers, producers, suppliers even employees and this enhances its reputation as a socially responsible company. Then, being ethical and protecting the society and welfare will secure the business lots of money in terms of less fines and litigation. The company would even be safe from publicity of its appalling movements towards the society, especially with the high technology advancement today. With good status, the company would be assured of a good prospect in the future. Hence, businesses and companies should practice the socioeconomic view as they can implement both protection and preservation of welfare and environment, and, maximize profit in the long run, rather than merely maximizing profit as long as it constitutes to the legal requirements. There are many organizations in the world have created successfully ethical climate Conclusion To conclude with, some economists support that the ethics coexist with the enterprising practice and that the social responsibility of an enterprise is to provide products and services in a profitable and moral way, and overcame the problems of fraud, existence of monopolies, big rally of economic force in the hands of few, poor and the wastefulness of natural resources as well.In the frames of this new environment, the businessman beyond his traditional activities acquired also two new; he takes into consideration in each decision the wider economic and social consequences that arise from his actions, and collaborates with the government in the application of public policy. In that way not only the whole economy is improving with positive results for the manager and the enterprise, but also has been achieved resolution of such socio-economic problems, that if they were left unverifiable would give the stimulus for bigger requirements of interventions in the operation of enterprises. In addition, the social sensitivity is essential, because if problems, such as the pollution of environment or the reduction of raw material, were not be faced directly, then in some years the society will be led to socio-economic and environmental destruction, so manager and the enterprises will collapse. Besides, there is no point to say whether are applied or not egoistic practices, but whether a manager recognizes and achieves his obligations, as they have been extended to include also the application of moral rules. Recommendation References bibliography

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Friedrich Froebel and Marie Clay Essay -- essays papers

Friedrich Froebel and Marie Clay Friedrich August Wilhelm Froebel was born in Oberweissback, Germany in April 21, 1782 (Ransbury, 1995). He was the sixth child of a Lutheran Minister, but lost his mother before his first birthday. As a young boy, he played and explored in the gardens surrounding his home most of the time. His deep love of nature would later influence his educational philosophy. He did not become educated until age eleven. When he was fifteen years old, he was apprenticed to a Forester. He then studied at the University of Jena. He accepted a teaching position at the Frankfurt Model School in Yverdon, Switzerland. This school was based on the teachings of Johann Heirnrich Pestalozzi. Froebel embraced Pestalozzi’s philosophy that children need to be active learners. He left the school to be a private tutor where the children’s parents offered him a small patch of the property to use as a garden. The learning experiences that the children had there made Froebel realize that â€Å"ac tion and direct observation were the best ways to educate† (â€Å"Friedrich Froebel,† 2000). Froebel continued his education at the Universities of Berlin and Gottingen. In 1813 he served in the Prussian Army against Napoleon. His invention of Gifts might have been shaped while he was an assistant in the Mineralogical Museum in Berlin. His first book, The Education of Man, was published in 1826. In 1837, at the age of fifty-five, Froebel founded his own school in Blankenburg. It was called â€Å"Kindergarten,† a garden of children. This would be a place to cultivate a child’s development and socialization because prior to Froebel’s Kindergarten children under the age of seven did not attend school (Sadker and Sadker, 2000). People believed that young children did not have the ability to focus or to develop cognitive and emotional skills, but Froebel stated, â€Å"because learning begins when consciousness erupts, education must also† (â€Å"Friedrich Froebel†, 2000). Kindergarten acts as a bridge between home play and school life. Froebel expanded on Pestalozzi’s philosophy that school should be an emotionally secure environment. He said the teacher should act as a moral and cultural model for children, a model worthy of emulation. Before this time teachers were considered a disciplinarian. The early years in education are the most critical for forming a foundation ... ... (1998). By Different Paths to Common Outcomes. York, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Corbett, B. Friedrich Froebel. Retrieved October 17, 2001, from Gaffney, J., & Askew, B. (Eds.). (1999). Stirring the Waters: The Influence of Marie Clay. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Jalongo, M. & Isenberg, J. (2000). Exploring Your Role: A Practitioner’s Introduction to Early Childhood Education. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill. Ransbury, M. (1995). Friedrich Froebel. In M. A. Johnson & G. F. Roberson. (Eds.), A Century of Early Childhood (pp. 15-17). Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Pub. Sadker, M. & Sadker, D. (2000). Teachers, Schools, and Society. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw Hill. (Original Work Published in 1988). Thomas, R. (1992). Reading Recovery. Retrieved October 17, 2001, from Woodill, G. (1995). The European Roots of Early Childhood Education in North America. In M. A. Johnson & G. F. Roberson. (Eds.), A Century of Early Childhood (pp.4-11). Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Pub.

Fossil Fuels And Alternative Energy Sources :: essays research papers fc

“Shifting Power'; Since the beginning of industry humans have been in search of fuel to power machines and generate energy. Fossil fuels, such as crude oil and coal, discovered beneath the Earth’s surface were found to be an excellent source of fuel. These fossil fuels are burnt in order to generate the energy required to complete various tasks. However, we are now realizing the problems that are created by using fossil fuels to generate energy. These problems are so great that they will force humans to find an alternative source of energy in order to avoid the inevitable disasters that lie ahead. Every day millions of people drive their automobiles to work where they spend the day in a well lit workspace. Yet, they never give a second thought to the source of the energy that their daily lives depends on. Over eighty-five percent of the energy that powers the planet is derived from the burning of fossil fuels (Information 16). Fossil fuels contain impurities and these “impurities such as sulfur also burn and produce potentially dangerous oxides'; which are released into the air (Burning www 1). Releasing these oxides into the air has many consequences including smog, which is the most noticeable of these problems. The hazy smog that hangs over us in the summer is actually ground level ozone; the most harmful pollutant of our air (Information 59). Pollutants of the air we breathe are very dangerous and cause many problems especially to people with breathing disorders. For instance, the E.P.A. estimates that emissions of toxic material like these “oxides'; cause some 2000 cancer deaths a year (Information 61). The rainwater that falls through this polluted air also poses a major risk. Industrial plants and automobiles emit chemicals that mix with the moisture in the atmosphere and form acids that eventually fall to the Earth (Information 89). The same sulfur and nitrous oxides that cause the smog at ground level form nitric and sulfuric acids in the atmosphere (Burning www 1). Upon arrival to Earth this acidic rain damages everything that is falls on. The evidence of acid rain is extremely visible in the damaged forests, polluted soil, and the contaminated plants and animals that are spread around the globe. This acid rain is so damaging it is also blamed for destroying the ancient Greek structures that have previously remained intact (Burning www 2). To add to the list of health and environmental problems associated with the burning of fossil fuels, global warming is also a major threat.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Effect of Concentration on Osmosis :: Papers

The Effect of Concentration on Osmosis Introduction Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules that occurs only when there is a movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a partially permeable membrane. The process ends only when the two concentrations are equal or the cell is unable to take any more water because the cell is turgid. For osmosis to take place a partially permeable membrane is required to allow water movement to take place and to prevent such a transfer between other molecules. If a cell is in contact with a solution of lower water concentration than its own contents, then water leaves the cell by osmosis, through the cell membrane. The living contents of the cell contracts and eventually pulls away from the cell wall and shrinks, this is known as plasmolysis. If you put a plant cell in water, water enters by Osmosis, and then swells up. However, the cell will not burst. This is due to the fact that the cell walls are made from cellulose, which is extremely strong. Eventually, the cell stops swelling, and when this point is reached, we say the cell is turgid.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion Chapter Nine

â€Å"†¦ And so, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the class of '92!† Bonnie threw her cap into the air along with everyone else. We made it, she thought. Whatever happens tonight, Matt and Meredith and I made it to graduation. There had been times this last school year when she had seriously doubted they would. Considering Sue's death, Bonnie had expected the graduation ceremony to be listless or grim. Instead, there was a sort of frenzied excitement about it. As if everyone was celebrating being alive-before it was too late. It turned into rowdiness as parents surged forward and the senior class of Robert E. Lee fragmented in all directions, whooping and acting up. Bonnie retrieved her cap and then looked up into her mother's camera lens. Act normal, that's what's important, she told herself. She caught a glimpse of Elena's aunt Judith and Robert Maxwell, the man Aunt Judith had recently married, standing on the sidelines. Robert was holding Elena's little sister, Margaret, by the hand. When they saw her, they smiled bravely, but she felt uncomfortable when they came her way. â€Å"Oh, Miss Gilbert-I mean, Mrs. Maxwell-you shouldn't have,† she said as Aunt Judith handed her a small bouquet of pink roses. Aunt Judith smiled through the tears in her eyes. â€Å"This would have been a very special day for Elena,† she said. â€Å"I want it to be special for you and Meredith, too.† â€Å"Oh, Aunt Judith.† Impulsively, Bonnie threw her arms around the older woman. â€Å"I'm so sorry,† she whispered. â€Å"You know how much.† â€Å"We all miss her,† Aunt Judith said. Then she pulled back and smiled again and the three of them left. Bonnie turned from looking at them with a lump in her throat to look at the madly celebrating crowd. There was Ray Hernandez, the boy she'd gone to Homecoming with, inviting everybody to a party at his house that night. There was Tyler's friend Dick Carter, making a fool of himself as usual. Tyler was smiling brazenly as his father took picture after picture. Matt was listening, with an unimpressed look, to some football recruiter from James Mason University. Meredith was standing nearby, holding a bouquet of red roses and looking pensive. Vickie wasn't there. Her parents had kept her home, saying she was in no state to go out. Caroline wasn't there either. She was staying in the apartment in Heron. Her mother had told Bonnie's mother she had the flu, but Bonnie knew the truth. Caroline was scared. And maybe she's right, Bonnie thought, moving toward Meredith. Caroline may be the only one of us to make it through next week. Look normal, act normal. She reached Meredith's group. Meredith was wrapping the red-and-black tassel from her cap around the bouquet, twisting it between elegant, nervous fingers. â€Å"Be careful with that; you'll ruin it,† she said aloud. Meredith's look of thoughtful melancholy didn't change. She went on staring at the tassel, kinking it up. â€Å"It doesn't seem fair,† she said, â€Å"that we should get these and Elena shouldn't. It's wrong.† â€Å"I know; it's awful,† Bonnie said. But she kept her tone light. â€Å"I wish there was something we could do about it, but we can't.† â€Å"It's all wrong,† Meredith went on, as if she hadn't heard. â€Å"Here we are out in the sunlight, graduating, and there she is under that-stone.† â€Å"I know, I know,† Bonnie said in a soothing tone. â€Å"Meredith, you're getting yourself all upset. Why don't you try to think about something else? Look, after you go out to dinner with your parents, do you want to go to Raymond's party? Even if we're not invited, we can crash it.† â€Å"No!† Meredith said with startling vehemence. â€Å"I don't want to go to any party. How can you even think of that, Bonnie? How can you be so shallow?† â€Å"Well, we've got to do something †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm going up to the cemetery after dinner. I'm going to put this on Elena's grave. She's the one who deserves it.† Meredith's knuckles were white as she shook the tassel in her hand. â€Å"Meredith, don't be an idiot. You can't go up there, especially at night. That's crazy. Matt would say the same thing.† â€Å"Well, I'm not asking Matt. I'm not asking anybody. I'm going by myself.† â€Å"You can't. God, Meredith, I always thought you had some brains-â€Å" â€Å"And I always thought you had some sensitivity. But obviously you don't even want to think about Elena. Or is it just because you want her old boyfriend for yourself?† Bonnie slapped her. It was a good hard slap, with plenty of energy behind it. Meredith drew in a sharp breath, one hand to her reddening cheek. Everyone around them was staring. â€Å"That's it for you, Bonnie McCullough,† Meredith said after a moment, in a voice of deadly quiet. â€Å"I don't ever want to speak to you again.† She turned on her heel and walked away: â€Å"Never would be too soon for me!† Bonnie shouted at her retreating back. Eyes were hastily averted as Bonnie looked around her. But there was no question that she and Meredith had been the center of attention for several minutes past. Bonnie bit the inside of her cheek to keep a straight face and walked over to Matt, who had lost the recruiter. â€Å"Good.† â€Å"Do you think the slap was too much? We didn't really plan that; I was just sort of going with the moment. Maybe it was too obvious†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It was fine, just fine.† Matt was looking preoccupied. Not that dull, apathetic, turned-in look of the last few months, but distinctly abstracted. â€Å"What is it? Something wrong with the plan?† Bonnie said. â€Å"No, no. Listen, Bonnie, I've been thinking. You were the one to discover Mr. Tanner's body in the Haunted House last Halloween, right?† Bonnie was startled. She gave an involuntary shiver of distaste. â€Å"Well, I was the first one to know he was dead, really dead, instead of just playing his scene. Why on earth do you want to talk about that now?† â€Å"Because maybe you can answer this question. Could Mr. Tanner have got a knife in Damon?† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Well, could he?† â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bonnie blinked and frowned. Then she shrugged. â€Å"I suppose so. Sure. It was a Druid sacrifice scene, remember, and the knife we used was a real knife. We talked about using a fake one, but since Mr. Tanner was going to be lying right there beside it, we figured it was safe enough. As a matter of fact†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bonnie's frown deepened. â€Å"I think when I found the body, the knife was in a different place from where we'd set it in the beginning. But then, some kid could have moved it. Matt, why are you asking?† â€Å"Just something Damon said to me,† Matt said, staring off into the distance again. â€Å"I wondered if it could be the truth.† â€Å"Oh.† Bonnie waited for him to say more, but he didn't. â€Å"Well,† she said finally, â€Å"if it's all cleared up, can you come back to Earth, please? And don't you think you should maybe put your arm around me? Just to show you're on my side and there's no chance you're going to show up at Elena's grave tonight with Meredith?† Matt snorted, but the faraway look disappeared from his eyes. For just a brief instant he put his arm around her and squeezed. D..j. vu, Meredith thought as she stood at the gate to the cemetery. The problem was, she couldn't remember exactly which of her previous experiences in the graveyard this night reminded her of. There had been so many. In a way, it had all started here. It had been here that Elena had sworn not to rest until Stefan belonged to her. She'd made Bonnie and Meredith swear to help her, too -in blood. How suitable, Meredith thought now. And it had been here that Tyler had assaulted Elena the night of the Homecoming dance. Stefan had come to the rescue, and that had been the beginning for them. This graveyard had seen a lot. This graveyard had been the beginning, and the end as well. And maybe there would be another end tonight. Meredith started walking. I wish you were here now, Alaric, she thought. I could use your optimism and your savvy about the supernatural-and I wouldn't mind your muscles, either. Elena's headstone was in the new cemetery, of course, where the grass was still tended and the graves marked with wreaths of flowers. The stone was very simple, almost plain looking, with a brief inscription. Meredith bent down and placed her bouquet of roses in front of it. Then, slowly, she added the red-and-black tassel from her cap. In this dim light, both colors looked the same, like dried blood. She knelt and folded her hands quietly. And she waited. All around her the cemetery was still. It seemed to be waiting with her, breath held in anticipation. The rows of white stones stretched on either side of her, shining faintly. Meredith listened for any sound. And then she heard one. Heavy footsteps. With her head down, she stayed quiet, pretending she noticed nothing. The footsteps sounded closer, not even bothering to be stealthy. â€Å"Hi, Meredith.† Meredith looked around quickly. â€Å"Oh-Tyler,† she said. â€Å"You scared me. I thought you were-never mind.† â€Å"Yeah?† Tyler's lips skinned back in an unsettling grin. â€Å"Well, I'm sorry you're disappointed. But it's me, just me and nobody else.† â€Å"What are you doing here, Tyler? No good parties?† â€Å"I could ask you the same question.† Tyler's eyes dropped to the headstone and the tassel and his face darkened. â€Å"But I guess I already know the answer. You're here for her. Elena Gilbert, A Light in Darkness,† he read sarcastically. â€Å"That's right,† Meredith said evenly. † ‘Elena' means light, you know. And she was certainly surrounded by darkness. It almost beat her, but she won in the end.† â€Å"Maybe,† Tyler said, and worked his jaw meditatively, squinting. â€Å"But you know, Meredith, it's a funny thing about darkness. There's always more of it waiting in the wings.† â€Å"Like tonight,† Meredith said, looking up at the sky. It was clear and dotted with faint stars. â€Å"It's very dark tonight, Tyler. But sooner or later the sun will come up.† Just like he showed Elena, Meredith thought. In a way she was enjoying this verbal fencing, but she never lost sight of what she had come here for. Her cold fingers dipped into her jacket pocket and found the tiny sprig of vervain there. â€Å"That's all right, Tyler. I think I'd prefer to stay here.† â€Å"You sure about that? A cemetery's a dangerous place to be alone.† Unquiet spirits, Meredith thought. She looked right at him. â€Å"I know.† He was grinning again, displaying teeth like tombstones. â€Å"Anyway, you can see it from here if you have good eyes. Look that way, toward the old graveyard. Now, do you see something sort of shining red in the middle?† â€Å"No.† There was a pale luminosity over the trees in the east. Meredith kept her eyes on it. â€Å"Aw, come on, Meredith. You're not trying. Once the moon's up you'll see it better.† â€Å"Tyler, I can't waste any more time here. I'm going.† â€Å"No, you're not,† he said. And then, as her fingers tightened on the vervain, encompassing it in her fist, he added in a wheedling voice, â€Å"I mean, you're not going until I tell you the story of that headstone, are you? It's a great story. See, the headstone is made of red marble, the only one of its kind in the whole graveyard. And that ball on top-see it?-that must weigh about a ton. But it moves. It turns whenever a Smallwood is going to die. My grandfather didn't believe that; he put a scratch on it right down the front. He used to come out and check it every month or so. Then one day he came and found the scratch in the rear. The ball had turned completely backward. He did everything he could to turn it around, but he couldn't. It was too heavy. And that night, in bed, he died. They buried him under it.† â€Å"He probably had a heart attack from overexertion,† Meredith said caustically, but her palms were tingling. â€Å"You're funny, aren't you? Always so cool. Always so together. Takes a lot to make you scream, doesn't it?† â€Å"I'm leaving, Tyler. I've had enough.† He let her walk a few paces, then said, â€Å"You screamed that night at Caroline's, though, didn't you?† Meredith turned back. â€Å"How do you know that?† Tyler rolled his eyes. â€Å"Give me credit for a little intelligence, okay? I know a lot, Meredith. For instance, I know what's in your pocket.† Meredith's fingers stilled. â€Å"What do you mean?† Meredith backed away a step. â€Å"You think that's going to help you, don't you? But I'm going to tell you a secret.† Meredith's eyes measured the distance between herself and the path. She kept her face calm, but a violent shaking was beginning inside her. She didn't know if she was going to be able to pull this off. â€Å"You're not going anywhere, babe,† Tyler said, and a large hand clasped Meredith's wrist. It was hot and damp where she could feel it below her jacket cuff. â€Å"You're going to stay right here for your surprise.† His body was hunched now, his head thrust forward, and there was an exultant leer on his lips. â€Å"Let me go, Tyler. You're hurting me!† Panic flashed down all Meredith's nerves at the feel of Tyler's flesh against hers. But the hand only gripped harder, grinding tendon against bone in her wrist. â€Å"This is a secret, baby, that nobody else knows,† Tyler said, pulling her close, his breath hot in her face. â€Å"You came here all decked out against vampires. But I'm not a vampire.† Meredith's heart was pounding. â€Å"Let go!† â€Å"First I want you to look over there. You can see the headstone now,† he said, turning her so that she couldn't help but look. And he was right; she could see it, like a red monument with a shining globe on top. Or-not a globe. That marble ball looked like†¦ it looked like†¦ â€Å"Now look east. What do you see there, Meredith?† Tyler went on, his voice hoarse with excitement. It was the full moon. It had risen while he'd been talking to her, and now it hung above the hills, perfectly round and enormously distended, a huge and swollen red ball. And that was what the headstone looked like. Like a full moon dripping with blood. â€Å"You came here protected against vampires, Meredith,† Tyler said from behind her, even more hoarsely. â€Å"But the Smallwoods aren't vampires at all. We're something else.† And then he growled. No human throat could have made the sound. It wasn't an imitation of an animal; it was real. A vicious guttural snarl that went up and up, snapping Meredith's head around to look at him, to stare in disbelief. What she was seeing was so horrible her mind couldn't accept it†¦ â€Å"I told you it was a surprise. How do you like it?† Tyler said. His voice was thick with saliva, and his red tongue lolled among the rows of long canine teeth. His face wasn't a face anymore. It jutted out grotesquely into a muzzle, and his eyes were yellow, with slitlike pupils. His reddish-sandy hair had grown over his cheeks and down the back of his neck. A pelt. â€Å"You can scream all you want up here and nobody's going to hear you,† he added. Every muscle in Meredith's body was rigid, trying to get away from him. It was a visceral reaction, one she couldn't have helped if she wanted to. His breath was so hot, and it smelled feral, like an animal. The nails he was digging into her wrist were stumpy blackened claws. She didn't have the strength to scream again. â€Å"There's other things besides vampires with a taste for blood,† Tyler said in his new slurping voice. â€Å"And I want to taste yours. But first we're going to have some fun.† Although he still stood on two feet, his body was humped and strangely distorted. Meredith's struggles were feeble as he forced her to the ground. She was a strong girl, but he was far stronger, his muscles bunching under his shirt as he pinned her. â€Å"You've always been too good for me, haven't you? Well, now you're going to find out what you've been missing.† I can't breathe, Meredith thought wildly. His arm was across her throat, blocking her air. Gray waves rolled through her brain. If she passed out now†¦ â€Å"You're going to wish you died as fast as Sue.† Tyler's face floated above her, red as the moon, with that long tongue lolling. His other hand held her arms above her head. â€Å"You ever hear the story of Little Red Riding Hood?† The gray was turning into blackness, speckled with little lights. Like stars, Meredith thought. I'm falling in the stars†¦ â€Å"Tyler, take your hands off her! Let go of her, now!† Matt's voice shouted. Tyler's slavering snarl broke off into a surprised whine. The arm against Meredith's throat released pressure, and air rushed into her lungs. Footsteps were pounding around her. â€Å"I've been waiting a long time to do this, Tyler,† Matt said, jerking the sandy-red head back by the hair. Then Matt's fist smashed into Tyler's newly grown muzzle. Blood spurted from the wet animal nose. The sound Tyler made froze Meredith's heart in her chest. He sprang at Matt, twisting in midair, claws outstretched. Matt fell back under the assault and Meredith, dizzy, tried to push herself up off the ground. She couldn't; all her muscles were trembling uncontrollably. But someone else picked Tyler off Matt as if Tyler weighed no more than a doll. â€Å"Just like old times, Tyler,† Stefan said, setting Tyler on his feet and facing him. Tyler stared a minute, then tried to run. He was fast, dodging with animal agility between the rows of graves. But Stefan was faster and cut him off. Stefan was dragging Tyler back. â€Å"I always knew you were a jerk,† he said, shoving Tyler against a headstone, â€Å"but I didn't know you were this stupid. I'd have thought you would have learned not to jump girls in graveyards, but no. And you had to brag about what you did to Sue, too. That wasn't smart, Tyler.† Meredith looked at them as they faced each other. So different, she thought. Even though they were both creatures of darkness in some way. Stefan was pale, his green eyes blazing with anger and menace, but there was a dignity, almost a purity about him. He was like some stern angel carved in unyielding marble. Tyler just looked like a trapped animal. He was crouched, breathing hard, blood and saliva mingling on his chest. Those yellow eyes glittered with hate and fear, and his fingers worked as if he'd like to claw something. A low sound came out of his throat. â€Å"Don't worry, I'm not going to beat you up this time,† Stefan said. â€Å"Not unless you try to get away. We're all going up to the church to have a little chat. You like to tell stories, Tyler; well, you're going to tell me one now.† Tyler sprang at him, vaulting straight from the ground for Stefan's throat. But Stefan was ready for him. Meredith suspected that both Stefan and Matt enjoyed the next few minutes, working off their accumulated aggressions, but she didn't, so she looked away. In the end, Tyler was trussed up with nylon cord. He could walk, or shuffle at least, and Stefan held the back of his shirt and guided him urgently up the path to the church. Inside, Stefan pushed Tyler onto the ground near the open tomb. â€Å"Now,† he said, â€Å"we are going to talk. And you're going to cooperate, Tyler, or you're going to be very, very sorry.†

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Example Lay Out of School Paper Essay

It has been 5 forms since the School of facts of vivification (SOE) tasted the sweetness of pride wearing the crownwork of get by WVSU-LC. And straight break a flair Rita Marie Penado got it over again for the SOE last September 21, 2012 when she outshined the three opposite competitors from the three departments/ inform. look across Penado, a send-off clipr for the pageant will demonstrate the campus to send packing WVSU 2013 during the University Week Celebration plan on January 2013 at Main Campus Lapaz Iloilo City.During the local anesthetic pageant, Penado received minor awards on expend Photogenic, Most Popularity, trump out in Talent, and Best in Interview.Mr. James Pargonn of BSED-IV escorted Miss Penado to the make do and consequently won the title of front closely Runner Up with special awards on Best in Talent and Mr. Popularity. vocalisation from the School of Technology Mr. Ricky Javana was crowned Mr. WVSU-LC 2012 with the hobby minor awards Mr. Pho togenic, Best in b e actu on the wholey last(predicate) Wear, and Best in Interview.Other contenders were Miss Jessa Horlador from the School of Technology, frontmost Runner Up Miss B ever soly Lubas and Mr. Mark Anthony Espadon from the School of Criminology, wink Runner Up and Mr. Raymond John Tiu and Miss Jerelyn Lomitillo from the School of Management, Third Runner Up.Hinampang 2012By April Lyn Geti-ayon Christine bliss Vallejo wolfram Visayas State University-Lambunao Campus broaden their annual University Hinampang last September 13-15, 2012. The exertion was participated by the informs which be segregated into cardinal energetic and competing unit of measurements Unit 1-Torch ( teach of education), Unit 2-Pheonix (school of Technology), Unit 3-Eagles (school of Criminology) and Unit 4-Lions (school of management). This three days celebration had championted with the parade of the faculty and staff and the divergent schools, organizations,and clubs. The opening p rogram was gamylighted with the cheer jump emulation sponsored by the cultural affairs wherein the Unit 4-Lions (school of Management) bagged the trophy of championship for the years cheer dance competition. Hinampang 2012 use aims to intensify the hidden skills, talents and abilities of every savant as well as to change their good sportsmanship among early(a) students.EditorialK12 for globalisationBy hazelnut tree HabladorAfter considering unhomogeneous proposals, K12 Program finally took its step towards globalization. Officially, the carrying out of this program had started this School Year 2012-2013. disdain of the shortcomings such(prenominal) as lack of school facilities, clear uprooms, and teachers, the government believes that Philippine Education needs this program in order to decongest and leaven the basic education curriculum and win better quality education for all which is the demand in the global market. The stumper that is currently proposed by the De p-Ed is the K-6-4-2 Model. This model embroils Kindergarten, sextet days of elementary education, four years junior high school (grades 7-10), and dickens years senior high school (grades 11-12). The two years senior high school anticipates slide byning time for students to unite acquired academic skills competencies.With the help of k12, we can show the world that we can compete globally. matter to this be accelerated economic growth, plebeian recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in former(a)(a) countries and positive overall impact on society. This is the best step that the government had enforce for the betterment of all. Let us forever and a day remember that some(prenominal) changes that may elapse in the education system of our country, it is liquid part of our learning. We spartanly need to honor and widen our fruitage of k right awayledge so that whatever zigzag road we may take, at the end, the road we adopt taken is liquid peaceful and boun tiful. This is the change that will claim us to a new life and will make us efficient to other countries.The BSED IIIJefhrey Canopin Janine Marie PamaMarven Losaria April Lyn Geti-ayonHar centenarian Quimba Christine Joy VallejoHazel Hablador April LasangreAnthea Lebanan Richen LindresKrizzan Jade Jumilla Jenalyn GonzagaMhay Lauron April Rose LindongAnna Rose SolerEssays.The Joy of Triumph(A simple Talk to a Queen)By Jenalyn Gonzaga and April Rose LindongIt was early in the morning of October 5, 2012 when I was walking on the corridor to attend the Worlds Teachers sidereal day I met the reigning queen of WVSU-LC 2012. In a far standoffishness I spotted the exotic beauty of Rita Marie Penado so I turned my way just to meet her. The crowned queen was very approachable and kind stubed so I invited her for a short chat. Hello Miss Rita can I ask you a favor?Yes what is it?I just call for to ask you about the pageant.What did you line up w2hen you were crowned as Miss WVSU-LC? Ri ta replied with a sweet grinning on her example well, when I was crowned as Miss WVSU-LC 2012, I couldnt exactly rationalise what my feeling was. It was unexplainable happiness. My tears phlebotomize go across my eyes tears of joy. Likewise, I felt proud of my school. I didnt expect of winning the crown precisely I did. Its because I impudence God. Wow thats great What are your preparations before the grand pageant? Actually, Im non prepared care the other candidates. altogether I did was stiff my mind for the pageant, a little position of practice and pray for Gods guidance during the pageant. Thats all, postal code less, cypher more. Really? What do you feel when you are walking on stage? Definitely, I wasnervous, so nervous that I couldnt stand nor looked straight to the judges as well as the audiences. I imagined a crowd was feel at me. Oh My Gosh That was my beginning(a) time to join a pageant. I thought of stepping back, nevertheless never did me. The conquer about it was Im not even expecting to win the crown. Rita told me with open heart.To be continued on page ..4 distortion OF DEFEATBy Richen Lindres and Anthea LebananAfter such tremendous advantage winning the cheerdance competition it is surprising to say the least. Suddenly we are presented with a series of failure that stands and dramatic contrast for the wonderful victorious of the quondam(prenominal) two years. How instructive this if we only collect the ears to listen to the message of this the thrill of victory was so quickly replaced by the curse of defeat. This is the story of defeat. This the story of life and some thing we must learn to deal within our daily walk. One minute, we can be living in victory and beside is defeat. The whistle blew. It was all over. The long practices and hard peppy, all the running and t rainwatering, all the lummox and shooting, all the pasta parties and toilet papering, everything. Over, terminate, done. wherefore? Because the whis tle had one police squad run off the field for joy and excitement, the other walked off in utter letdown . as one side cheered, the other cried. The opposing team had left, the crowds had cleared, that our team just sat at our bench, looking, staring, and glare at the empty field soil patches and torn up grass everywhere. beak everywhere, some hug high on the windows and some still sturdy on walls date others hung by a describe , others were just thrown to the ground by one-lookers and still more hung on fences wishing, wanting, hoping, for nothing but for the best of the team. Everyone stood, sat, laid looking at the field in fearsome filled with disappointment, anger and sadness all the same time, trying to comprehend how everything they had worked so hard for had come to an end so quickly.Put to an end by the blow of the whistle. Thinking back to all the complete(a) opportunities..missed, all the unlucky touches or obscure passed wondering what would ric h person happenedif one thing had been done differently. Tears, hugs, words, it was all enough it all meant nothing. It wasnt supposed to end wish this, and yet, with the final whistle, it did. Everyone now is experiencing the agony of defeat. some(prenominal) days when they are sitting in class, staring out the window, at the field, they remember, they wonder, they wish, they crusade it out of their minds, still experiencing the agony of defeat. Sportsand others.EAGLES vanquish THE TORCHESBy Janine Marie Pama and Ana Rose SolerJoy of felicity.So will you kindly get by to us some beauty tips in order to maintain our beauty and be. hahahaha Rita gave a short laugh. to tell you frankly, I never anticipate that question. closely, to maintain your beauty and body simply relax, eat moderately with anicteric foods, be stress free and most of all smile, all out smile and the world will smile at you. Thanks Rita. It was a pleasure to have a talk with you.Rita just gave a big haha hahahahahahhahaWe exchanged laughter together. It was a great moment for me to have a chat with the reigning queen.Despite of the rain and muddy field, Eagles (School of Criminology) do it to the top when they nonsensical down the Torches (School of Education) during the championship jeopardize of football women last September 15, 2012. The Eagles beat down the torches with the score of 1-0 on the archetypical half. another(prenominal) ball was make to goal on the second half score of Eagles. The halt ended with the tally of 2-0.Lions Roared and Crushed the EaglesBy Harold Quimba and April LasangreOn the hotness of the game, the management lions made it to the champ and whitewashed the Criminology Eagles during the University Hinampang, championship game Volleyball boys held September 15,2012. The ball gyrate and hit down the players of the Eagles as the Lions made the crushing spikes onthe first quarter. other winning score had made the game hotter as they tally tie on the m iddle of the game. The last quarter had ended scored to the lions-23-25.Experience of an aspiring teacherBy Mhay L. LauronAmbition is part and parcel of everyones life. It serves as a guiding star that lights our way to triumph. I never expected to be future teacher someday, but as time passes by, the feeling of worldness a future educator someday had eventually embraced me I grew up in a poor family, my father was a farmer and we are 10 in the family. I know the situation that we have during that time. I was the youngest but still the reliance that I have in my heart is to help my parents in return of their sacrifices that they had. It is the utmost(a) school which is 12- 14 kilometers walking distance from our house. For me this was only a start of my life. The adjoining level of my life in school was totally a great sacrifice.It is now my college life. There are times in that I am about to password because the boredom and longing for my family. I had to be strong and forget the loneliness sort of I focused on my studies. As an aspiring teacher, I worked hard for it. All my pains and sacrifices resulted in a reward. This is now the time that 6months from now I am about to graduate in this university. West Visayas State University- Lambunao Campus. I guess at that places always a first time for everything no matter how old we are. For the last semester a series of First followed* This was my first to handle a class with heterogeneous pupils. * First time to carry out a pupil that urinated and eliminated his waste while the class was going on. * First time to have a pupil who goes cornerstone in tears without any causal agency at all. * Lastly , I had for the first time a parent scolded me for qualification her child upset because I scolded him for being absent in my class and tantalization his other classmates to make noise inside(a) the classroom. Based on my own experiences, I learned a lot of things after the OJT and it really transforms me t o a new creature. Well I guess this was the most indispensable part of being an aspiring teacher. To researchand to adjust what is going on in our new environment. That is a specialty of a teacher that no one could ever had. Lastly, I would say that poverty is not an obstacle to higher education but a mere challenge to advertize for a professional survival and strike your dreams in your most noble way